Lectures, learning, leadership, LOs LO19910

koebelin (koebelin@MCI2000.com)
Wed, 18 Nov 1998 19:40:55 -0500

Replying to LO19831 --

Some remarks to Sherri Malouf

Sherri said
> In adult learning which has many proponents including Knowles and Kolb

> experiential learning is proposed to be the best way of learning -- as
> it
> includes many different learning styles.  All of my courses are designed
> to take into consideration the variety of ways that people learn.

Steve replied >I have looked at the research on learning styles, and it does not seem to >confirm your statement. Indeed, the evidence suggests that when students >are allowed to choose their learning style, eg, choose multimedia rather >than single channel communication, learning decreases. See Richard >Clark's >summary of 50 years of research.

Through my experience with AmeriCorps, I learned a lot through observation of experiential technique. This technique certainly does seem to work for encouraging learning in people who did not, in the past, do well in formal classroom settings. The amazing thing is, it encouraged learning for everyone else, too! Very diverse populations were trained utilizing experiential techniques. Quality application of this technique incorporates a very well thought-out introduction, experience, and conclusion. This multifaceted approach to learning is causing huge changes in community service and afterschool programs, where instructors have the freedom to focus on the learners and design experiences which will have the most impact and educational meaning for them.

Sherri said > Why is the lecture hall system still in place? Because we still teach > people to memorize facts.. not actually learn.

Steve replied >Sherri, we have millions of the "products" of our educational system >working at complex tasks today, and the republic seems intact despite our >problems. Graduates of our schools seemed to have learned enough to write >computer programs, put rockets into orbit, write novels and movies, take >part in discussions like this one. . .

This is a good, old-fashioned copout.

Sherri said > Talk about missing the needs of your customers). The academic > process is aggressive and disrespectful. I just attended part of a > conference that was full of professors. The mode of interaction was not > one that fits well with any model of learning I have ever been involved > with. Quite frankly it was testosterone driven sword play and to me it > was quite boring and unenlightening.>>

Steve replied >You find At interesting, others don't. I enjoy the kind of conference you >don't care for; I don't care much for much of the discussion-oriented >sessions others want, where it seems to me that much sharing of ingnorance >goes on. Isn't that what learning style theory teaches: it takes all >kinds?

I would very strongly state that it has been my experience that it does take all kinds. Syngergy results from the combined efforts of a heterogenous group, not a homogenous one. Does Steve propose that our multicultural society is not responsible for the fact we have put men on the moon?

Genene Koebelin

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>