Intro -- Sujatha Das LO19969

Mon, 23 Nov 1998 11:11:20 +0530

Sujatha Das

From: sdas@POLARIS.CO.IN on 11/23/98 11:11 AM

I am Sujatha Das and have just joined the list. I am working for a software
company as a Technical Coordinator doing a multiple role of as a Technical
Documentator, Quality Facilitator, Responsible for Recruitment and
Induction to mention a few. Basically I am very interested in
Organizational Development. I stay in NewDelhi, India.

Can somebody guide as to whether there are any correspondence course on
Organizational Development, which I may take up? (Preferably in India) and
what would be the duration and charges?

Thanks in advance.

Sujatha Das

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"Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success.
They quit on the one yard line.
They give up at the last minute of the game,
One foot from a winning touchdown" --- H. Ross Perot



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