Unconscious Competence LO19984

Rohit Chaudhry (latitude@del2.vsnl.net.in)
Wed, 25 Nov 1998 12:23:41 +0530

Replying to LO19970 --


>This thread seems to be playing out, but I still feel the need to throw
>out a question regarding the states of unconscious and conscious
>competence. It is said that the first step to wisdom is acknowledging "I
>don't know." Senge speaks about creative tension.

We are talikng here in extremes. One extreme - I know, the other - I don't
know. Whereas the wise way to say it would be 'I know that I know from my
previous experiences but I also know from my past experiences that I have
not always been right." Both extremes are hazardous. We need to have a
balanced approach.

>I would think that an individual is in a state of growth whenever he or
>she is consciously incompetent for then the individual seeks to learn
>having acknowledged to himself that he "doesn't know". Upon reaching
>conscious competence and accepting that state of knowledge brings on
>complacency. The same for unconscious competency, but more profound.
>Growth and knowledge come to a stop. One could also say that this is the
>height of arrogance: "I know all there is and there is nothing left to

I checked up the dictionary to look for the word 'incompetence' it means
'unfit, unqualified, inadequate'. Wouldn't it be wise to say that we are
all fit and unfit, qualified and unqualified, adequate and inadequate at
the same time.

I really liked when you wrote the phrase 'State of Growth'. I would like
to extend your statement ' To be in a 'state of growth' we should be
'consciously continously incompetent'. If we feel it is important to us.

Rohit Chaudhry


"Rohit Chaudhry" <latitude@del2.vsnl.net.in>

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