By way of introduction, I have spent an 8 years attempting to carry a
message of Total Quality and statistical thinking.
A recent post presented the "speed of learning"
While it is true things are going faster and faster, it seems to me that
an appropriate question is are we really learning?
Stephen Covey has presented a wonderful "mental model" of maturity having
three strata. The levels are simply dependence, independence and
interdependence. If one accepts that the struggle between the dependent
and independent strata are characterized by "win-loose" negotiations, one
begins to see many daily situations in a different perspective.
Continuing, the struggle between independent and interdependence deal with
win-win interactions. At a personal level, a professional level or a
societal level, how much effort is characterized by "win-win"
interactions? Are we really learning?
Much of the posting here is mentally stimulating. It seems to me that
learning needs to be more about validating and implementing useful
concepts than gathering more data. Are we really learning?
With the governmental process displayed recently, we have seen skillful
win-loose thinking at the highest levels of our government. Government
that can't deal with right or wrong, with being responsible, etc. While
this is not an easy issue, I would askare we really learning to make
effective decisions? If the three strata model is useful, who is working
for win-win?
Another post asked why a learning organization and then positioned a
learning organization as a motivation tool. Any tool can be misused.
Best wishes for the new year!
--"Emerson E. Whitacre" <>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>