What is an emergence? LO20288

margret dugan (margretd@earthlink.net)
Sat, 02 Jan 1999 08:40:38 -0800

Replying to LO20278 --

>From: "AM de Lange" <amdelange@postino.up.ac.za>
>Date: Sun, Dec 27, 1998, 6:56 AM

> Is it learning which pulls creativity into focus, or is
> it creativity which pulls learning into focus?

Why either? Creativity and learning for me are as wonderfully synergistic
bedfellows as are lichens and oak trees.

They come into focus together, but on different paths and from different
time zones. My creativity has a different relationship to time than some
of my learning, a minute can last a day, and a day can last an hour.
Sometimes creativity disappears completely, wandering around the
backalleys for weeks at a time only to spring out of nowhere to hitch hike
hand in hand with learning (past, present and future). The two simply
connect and when they do there is a more likely chance of an original
idea. The more connections made the greater opportunity to know how to see
or to see what no one else is seeing.

Creativity gossips with the flowers so that learning can sing, dance,
paint, draw, sculpt, or photograph with clarity and meaning.

Margret Dugan, Ph.D.
Margret Dugan Consulting and Research
4640 17th Street
San Francisco, CA 94117


"margret dugan" <margretd@earthlink.net>

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