When is Training Appropriate? LO20547

koebelin (koebelin@cwix.com)
Tue, 02 Feb 1999 10:36:25 -0800

I really appreciate the "action research" this listserve affords us LOers,
and I am interested in hearing about some real-life experiences on using
training as an intervention or part of an intervention in order to solve a
business problem.

What are some real-life problems you encountered in organizations seeking
to become learning organizations in which teambuilding/group
dynamics/communication training turned out to be all or part of the

1)How was the problem diagnosed? Did the original, apparent problem turn
out to be the "real" problem?
2)How were interventions determined? Who was involved? From what
3)What interventions were tried?
4)What were the results? Of the interventions that failed, why did they
fail? Of the interventions that worked, why did they work?

I look forward to hearing your comments.

Genene Koebelin, graduate student, Adult and Organizational Learning
Suffolk University, Boston
koebelin@cwix.com (new e-mail address)


koebelin <koebelin@cwix.com>

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