Ignorance is an antonym for learning? LO20596

Artur F. Silva (artsilva@individual.eunet.pt)
Sun, 07 Feb 1999 00:10:42 +0000

Replying to LO20582

At 10:44 05-02-1999 -0500, Paul wrote:

>>Isn't ignorance actually a prerequisite for learning?
>I think that 'conscious ignorance' is, but 'unconscious ignorance' is not.
>There is an old learning 'thing' that goes as follows: (someone help me as
>to its source)
>Learning goes through four stages
>1. unconscious incompetence (ignorance) - 'ignorance is bliss' no need to
>2. conscious incompetence - awarness of a skill gap potential to learn
>3. conscious competence - the awkward phase of learning
>4. unconscious competence - masterful performace of new skill/learning

The missing link between the U-C discussion, and this one...

>Thus ignorance can be a prerequisite for learning under certain
>conditions. I think the ZEN master (my weak understanding of ZEN stuff)
>creates the conditions of conscious incompetence by using Koan and having
>the student perform seemingly impossible task, forcing the learning.

That is also my (weak) understanding of it...



"Artur F. Silva" <artsilva@individual.eunet.pt>

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