Taking care of love LO20827

Swan, Steve R. SETA CONTR (SwanSR@ftknox-dtdd-emh5.army.mil)
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 09:24:21 -0500

Replying to LO20821 --

A struggle of many no doubt. How well did you know Walter le Grand? If
not at all, then perhaps the emotional pull of his victim's familty and
friends does have a greater wieght in the context. Does that erase to
philosophical or theological arguements for and against the death penalty?
No. But who am I to question the intended outcome of it all, particulary
as it relates to the victim's family and friends. Love and the care for it
means also making no pre-determined judgements of other's emotional needs,
but rather striving to understand, even if not accepting.


"Swan, Steve R. SETA CONTR" <SwanSR@ftknox-dtdd-emh5.army.mil>

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