Hallo John,
>I am in the entropy creation business!!! That is what I do most. I
>create chaos and confusion -- because only in the midst of such can a
>bifurcation occur, and because only when the organization is "unfrozen"
>(shaken out of its traditional ways of thinking and doing) can it even
>contemplate truly making a change.
Great statement!
My prediction was that most of the consultants experience will fall in
one of four categories. Of those categories, you cited the first,
which surely does not discribe your way of being a consultant. You may
be one of the rare (?) category 4 type consultants, who can lead
through the bifurcation to a new emergence.
> Now, this last part confused me, Winfried.
Is your confusion solved with this? Yes I was referring to the
consultants with the "you", but my prediction referred to either of
the four categories, not necessarily to the first one.)
It irritates me a little bit, that you sticked to the first category and
became confused, for it doesn't suit you. Rather I would have expected
that you would recognise that your "I am in the entropy creation
business!" fits well to what I intended to be the fourth category (in
>4.) I guess that only very few have real experience with metanoia,
>with going through the zone of chaos and arriving at a higher level of
>order where something new emerges, for example a learning
>organisation. I think this is more than being a guide on a tour -
>caves or mountains or whatever. At de Lange uses for such guiding the
>term midwife, which fits better to what I think is really going on
You are surely aware of the danger of immergences (the shaken system
does not find to a new order, but falls apart). Could you please share
your experiences, what is necessary and what really to take care of in
order to reach such emergent state? Would you agree, that being a
midwife is a good way to discribe your role?
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <winfried.dressler@voith.de>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>