Designing Orgs to Utilize Knowledge LO20894 -Conf CFP

Harold M. Brewer (
Mon, 15 Mar 1999 22:54:26 -0500

Replying to LO20867 --

I'm not making any recommendations on the conference. I just thought the
first paragraph was interesting, particularly the last line. Also, the
framing of the issue is interesting. Take care. 1/1

>AMOD Conference - Savannah 1999
>Designing Organizations to Use Knowledge for Competitive Advantage
>September 27-29, 1999
>Call for Presenters
>Submit your proposal outlines by April 15th
>Knowledge workers, knowledge management, knowledge-based organizations and
>similar terms are being heard more and more as our economy shifts from its
>industrial past to an information-age future. In an age where the only
>certainty is uncertainty, many companies operating in this new environment
>understand that knowledge is key to their success and are consciously
>trying to use knowledge for competitive advantage. They are exploring and
>using new ways to gather, synthesize, disseminate and create knowledge.
>However, designing organizations that can do so is one of the biggest
>challenges facing us as we enter the new millenium.
>The 1999 AMOD Conference is focused on this challenge-to explore how
>information age organizations can be designed for competitive advantage.
>We are seeking speakers and case presenters with hands-on experience in
>designing organizations that use knowledge for competitive advantage.
...snip by your host...

Harold M. Brewer, Supt.
Montgomery County Schools
"The Business of Schools is Student Success"


"Harold M. Brewer" <>

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