Mental Models & Identity LO20936

Bill Braun (
Sun, 21 Mar 1999 07:52:57 -0600

Replying to LO20908 --

A mental model to me is the set of perceptions I've acquired over time
(from any and all sources) that have led me to believe that I have the one
"correct" understanding of reality.

By being aware of the existance and influence of my mental models,
combined with 1) the acceptance that reality is too complex to ever have
the one correct understanding of it and 2) the willingness to suspend my
mental models and inquire into the mental models of others, I can gain
insights that would otherwise have been unavailable to me.

Bill Braun

>Not wanting to rekindle a sometimes rancorous discussion (as opposed to
>dialogue) on the Complexity list, never-the-less let me say that there are
>a few of us out here who have yet to purchase the "mental model."
>I promise not to belabour this important question, but if you are a
>proponent of "modelling" and specifically "mental models" please share
>what you mean by these terms/phrases.


Bill Braun <>

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