Learning Warehouse LO20942

Artur F Silva (artsilva@individual.eunet.pt)
Sun, 21 Mar 1999 18:19:55 +0000

Replying to LO20903

At 07:57 17-03-1999 -0500, you wrote:

>This is the first I've heard of the term "Learning Warehouse." The
>connotation is not very attractive from a U.S. perspective, I think. A
>warehouse is a place where surplus is stored. It is not usually a place
>where you keep something that is used often or needs to be accessed
>quickly. It also has an industrial and assembly-line imagae, which runs
>against the grain of a service delivery model.
>I would be interested in knowing where this term was coined, who uses it,
>and in what organizational contexts.

A similar term is used in IT for some years - "Data Warehouse". If a
company has some operational data bases those can be reorganized in a DW,
where they can be found in an easier way.

I think the term was coined somewhere in the US...

I presume that LW (or KW) is a "generalization" from that.

If DW was not a very good designation, LW (or KW) is event worse...




Artur F Silva <artsilva@individual.eunet.pt>

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