How does a Nation learn? LO21008

Charlie Saur (
Thu, 25 Mar 1999 11:22:30 -0500

Replying to LO20917 --

Hello Dan, List-ers:

Thanks for writing this post. I too have followed (at times fairly
fuzzily if that's a word) At's writings with true and total interest.
So much of these exchanges happen at what I label a "tacit" level
(grin). Maybe because I "get" some of it and can apply it- maybe not.

At had written that his definition of a problem was (sic) "when someone
knows something incompletely". I'd like to add your quote on seeking
first to understand to MY internal screensaver.

What I would like to see, or add to your thoughts here is that we look
at a way to develop application-type stories to this discussion. It
would help me a great deal to hear examples of how to apply the seven
essentialities in "real life" so I can begin to redirect my thinking a
bit at a time. Or maybe develop a "lesson plan" where we can focus on
one application at a time...any thoughts?

I too hope At is well...CS


Charlie Saur <>

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