Time LO21127

George Bartow (jorge@tenet.edu)
Thu, 01 Apr 1999 21:56:52 -0600

Replying to LO21070 --


I loved your contribution!

> What do clocks, our instruments for measuring time, measure? The formal
> answer is to say that they measure time. It is such an obvious answer that
> we do not think a second time about it. But what does your tacit knowledge
> say? Look at your wrist watch. We have learnt from other people that it
> ticks second after second away. But is it what the watch is actually
> doing? What regularity is actually operating here?

Looking at the watch?

George 'jorge' Bartow
e-mail:  jorge@tenet.edu
Home:  http://web2.airmail.net/jorge
Research:  http://web2.airmail.net/jorge/research
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