Dear Fred, dear At and dear LOers,
are you surprised to see a mail from me in the list? For I wrote in my
last contribution, that I won't be in the office until 12. April. Well, I
got a modem card today! Another step in the "keep connected" direction.
So I can keep up with the dialogue and won't find hundreds of messages,
which I would have to delete regretfully, besides my piles of waiting
As you may have noticed, I started to study the Theory of Constraints
(TOC). I have read a lot about it and am currently participating in an 8
sessions times 3 hours lectures program given by Eliyahu Goldratt, the
founder of TOC, from March to May.
I do not have the intention to defend or support or advocate TOC. But it
fascinates me and makes my thinking going on an on. So I would like to
learn about TOC as completely as possible and as a guide for completeness,
I will use the seven essentialities from At de Lange. Applying one to the
other seems to me to be a fruitful way of learning about both.
First I thought, I should start a new thread called "TOC", but that is not
what I want. I prefer to bring in ideas which relate to TOC and CL (At,
can I shortcut the complexity of your thinking and writing with CL for
"Creative Learning"?) as they develop in the course of our dialogue
through the various threads. So when you see my name as the author for the
next time, you can be quite sure to find something in this context, as I
have already done in the thread on "Measuring Learning".
Much of what I find in TOC is very provocative, so if you find some
statements, which you can't leave like that - please comment. I VERY much
appreciated Freds comments on "Measuring Learning"! They set up an
entropic force, which led to a creative flow of thoughts, providing a
perfect opportunity for digestive learning. I could really feel the level
of free energy rising. It helps so much to give tacit knowledge formal
In this mail, I won't go into contents. Take it as a kind of a mission
statement on why I am here in the list, what I expect from it and what I
intend to give. With this, I think, this mail fits well under "Mental
Models & Identity".
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <>
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