Replying to LO20947 --
I found this metaphor very interesting as well, and it's one I circulated
in my organization. I've given it some thought since, mostly because
everytime I thought about it I started feeling tired, winded as it were.
What came to my mind is that the jaguar, I would imagine, only reaches
these speeds for short periods of time, as the need arises (such as to
catch prey). There is no way that it could do this on a continuous basis,
which is what I think we often try to do in our organizations. Could the
jaguar ever run 8-10-12 hours a day at 80 m.p.h.?
Canadian Museum of Nature
--Suzanne =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Sauv=E9?= <SSAUVE@MUS-NATURE.CA>
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