We hope you will consider Group Facilitation: A Research and Applications
Journal as an outlet for your scholarly efforts.
Group Facilitation is distributed by the International Association of
Facilitators free to its 1,000 members and by annual subscription for $50.
It is a multi-disciplinary publication focused on the art and science of
group facilitation. The aim of the journal is to advance our knowledge of
group facilitation and its implications for individuals, groups,
organizations, and communities.
Group Facilitation is published twice a year and features articles from
diverse perspectives, including organizational learning and development,
group and system dynamics, collaborative technology, negotiation,
mediation, leadership, decision-making, conflict resolution,
cross-cultural contexts, and education. Possible topics include, but are
not limited to, facilitator roles within the group, interventions for
conflict management, descriptions of specific facilitation methods,
approaches to facilitating specific tasks such as idea generation or
priority setting, using computer technology to support facilitation,
increasing participation in organizations, exploring the underlying
values, beliefs and models of facilitation, and applying facilitation
skills and concepts to various settings.
The journal, while practitioner focused, is academically robust. A
variety of methods are appropriate, such as case studies, ethnographic
studies, and survey or laboratory research. Current book reviews are also
of interest. The primary consideration for publication is the ability of
the article to both inform the practitioner, and stimulate the researcher.
The complete Call for Papers and Submission Guidelines are available at
If we can provide any additional information, please feel free to contact
Mark. A Fuller Sandor P. Schuman
Editor-in-Chief (1996-1999) Editor-in-Chief (1999-)
Mark_Fuller@baylor.edu S.Schuman@Albany.edu
--"Sandor P. Schuman" <sschuman@cnsvax.albany.edu>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>