I have coded Tony Padgett's post in coded object format (to be
deposited in Internet Knowledge database to share with the Internet
Goal: How can someone from a non-managerial position help to
implement the principles of a learning organization?
Fact: Learning Organization
Fact: System thinking
Fact: Personal Mastery
Fact: Team Learning
Fact: Mental Model
Fact: Shared Vision
Fact: Sphere of Influence
Symptom: A non manager
Symptom: A non learning organization
Symptom: Information is protected and hoarded
Symptom: Managers are respected to the point where they are never
Symptom: Training for personal mastery is basically nil
Symptom: Asking anyone about a shared vision would be ludicrous.
Cause: Overwhelmed with a non learning culture
Fix: Start with your own sphere of influence:
Draw a mental boundary of things, objects, people within your
sphere of influence, control
e.g. your work scope, role and responsibilities, colleagues,
office, facilities etc. and
these will form your present System, consisting of elements,
components, domains where inter-
relationship is to be deeply understood. This will lead to [System
thinking] discipline.
Examine your own Vision / personal goal in life. In relation to the
above mapped system,
does your Vision acts as a structural compelling force to draw all
your energy and potentials?
This will lead to [Personal Mastery].
What about collaboration or obstacles with the people supposed to
be within your sphere of
influence or control? Resolving conflicts or enhancing dialogue
demands disciplines on
[Team learning], clarifying underlying assumptions or [Mental
Model]. With improved
relationship, where all concerned parties are deeply involved in
the mapped System,
with expanding elements or domains, a [Shared Vision] is in the
Andrew Wong
Organisation Observer and Thinker
Personal Coach & Organisation Coach
QuaSyLaTic Virtual Community Organiser
An associate of Outsights
--andreww@petronas.com.my (Andrew Wong Hee Sing/MD/MLNG/Petronas)
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>