On 9 Apr 99 at 17:03, Fred Nickols wrote:
> A word of explanation. I'm such a pest on this score because I've
> seen far too much of people hiding behind "the organization."
> Unwilling to lay claim to their own goals and objectives, they
> pronounce and promote them as "the organization's." That's
> nonsense! And, frankly, I've had enough of it. --
Fred has provided a solid perspective on the issue of people vs.
organizations, and abstractions, etc.
But I'm not sure where it leaves us, because surely, the exact same
argument applies to any aggregate (which we conceptualize - a marriage, a
family, a country, any group at all.
By the same logic, none of these "do things" or have goals, it seems.
Robert Bacal, author of PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT,(McGraw-Hill). Details at
http://members.xoom.com/perform and http://members.xoom.com/cooperate.
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