Tom Christoffel takes two concepts I introduced here and claims they are
both based in the same concept. I don't think I agree. He writes, first
quoting me:
>1. Task tension
>2. Relationship tension
>These tensions exist, I would suggest, when people come together for
>creative enterprise, which covers about every thing we do. Combined they
>are the "creative tensions" among and between sustainable entities - be
>they people or organizations. This creative tension is known as
I certainly did not understand either task or relationship tension as
coming from "competition." Speaking just for myself now, most of my task
tension (even when working with a team) comes from something closer to
cognitive dissonance -- caused by the gap I perceive between what I desire
and what I/we have. And most of my relationship tension is probably
caused by "fear of the unknown" rather than any sense of interpersonal
Tom, do you have a different concept (maybe an expanded concept) of
"competition" that I'm not understanding? I agree that competition may be
a cause of tension, but might there be other causes of task and
relationship tension (such as the ones I cited above?)
--"John Gunkler" <>
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