At de Lange wrote:
>Winfried, your free energy will decrease while you learn digestively.
>It has to be like that for digestive learning to happen spontaneously.
Dear At,
after we made clear that in the Ostwald digestor the free energy of the
growing crystal increases, while the free energy of all the surrounding
smaller grains decreases sufficiently, I should add, that still there is
no contradiction to above citation, to which I fully agree.
I just want to make clear, that the "Winfried", you refer to, correspond
to what we called "universe" (system + surrounding): The analogy of
"Winfried" is not the growing crystal but the whole digestor. I think this
is a most important learning step, which I would have seen differently
before our communication on the digestor. I tended to identify myself with
the growing crystal, looking for the required surrounding to feed on
whatever is outside myself. To recognise, that the elementary building
blocks are inside myself and nothing that needs to be
worked/pressed/pushed on me from outside seems to me to be also one of the
basic messages which you, At, don't become tired to try to get across
whenever you discribe your concept of learning, isn't it?
Identify oneself, or even worse, others with a growing crystal. Is there
any essentiality wich is not impaired? Yet it seems to be a desease among
humankind today. Where does this desease come from? What would be the
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <>
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