Crystallography of organisations LO21408

Leo Minnigh (
Tue, 27 Apr 1999 16:58:39 +0200 (MET DST)

Replying to LO21403 --

Replying LO21403

Dear LO'ers,

On Mon, 26 Apr 1999, AM de Lange wrote:

> I enjoyed your extensions from the (Crystal) Digestor model to
> Crystallography as a metaphor for organisations very much.
> What you have written above summarises Deming's position with respect
> to role of quality in organisations. Yet the description also fit
> crystallography. Is it not exciting how one part of the universe
> images what goes on in another part of the universe!

Thank you At. I enjoy all the contributions so much. For me, while writing
and thinking, it was amasing too, that the growth of crystals is such a
strong metaphor. My intention was to use a complete other perspective and
other words to explain your Digestor. My reaction was initiated by the
discussion between you and Winfried. I know Winfried is not afraid of
formulas and not afraid of a discussion on a physical subject. But
probably there are a lot of others in this fabulous audience who hesitate
to ask questions. Thats why I thought to explain the n, m and N in words
so one could visualise their meaning better.

But this writing of me brought something else into my mind:


In explaining someone, much learning is generated as well. The reason we
know now: it is an internal reorganisation, thus a greater level of order
is formed.

But At, my words are just the spring-off of your fascinating
contributions. And I like to take the freedom, to ask evrybodies attention
to something which happened under our eyes: THE BIRTH OF A JEWEL. A major
emergency, which deserves all our attention (and I quote from the very
source LO21272, dated 12 april 1999; this is a historical date):

"I have succeeded in deriving an equation for the free energy change of
the digestion reaction. It is given by

/_\F = - /_\n*m2*[E(m1,M1) - E(m2,M2)] "

I hope that we all feel the importance of this formula, whether one
understands it fully, or not. Dear readers, this is NEW, this is a

And At, I will ask you a very intimate question. Are you able to describe
to us the proces of digestion and the resulting emergency that gave the
birth to this formula. I realise that this is a very complicated matter
(lack of anchor places, or subemergencies, the use of tacit knowledge,
etc.). Has your illness had influence on this process? And of course, the
influence of this List and your continuous effort to teach us. Leads
teaching to emergencies?

I look forward to your answer. Meanwhile I am a couple of days to France
and be back next week.

I congratulate you with all my heart with your jump to a higher level of

dr. Leo D. Minnigh
Library Technical University Delft
PO BOX 98, 2600 MG Delft, The Netherlands
Tel.: 31 15 2782226
Let your thoughts meander towards a sea of ideas.


Leo Minnigh <>

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