Bill ponders:
>leadership and technology. They seem to be two completely separate thoughts
here's a few thoughts
For me the task of a leader is to set or frame 'context', not manage
'text'/'content' as Arie de Gues says.
In complex adaptive system terms its about shaping the rules that lead to
the emrgence of a pattern- if you like the pattern you amplify it and vice
versa. [we all have to work out for ourselves how, I'm just describing
obviously what we normally call 'communication' is key.
sooo... leaders will need communication media/strategies/ etcetera
sooo.. technology may well have a place in leadership. [and not just the
trendy stuff like WWW and email; personally I prefer post-its and
flipchart paper and blu-tak, (like Donald Norman, ergonomics guru and ex-
head of breaking prototypes for Apple's R&D people says : The greatest
invention of C20? the postit note.) and getting a bunch of people
together and listening to them much more than talking to them also works
quite well...]
another way 'in might be to look at how tech has enhanced [but can also
degrade] knowledge sharing or 'knowledge management', then see if there
are any commonalities
let me/us know how you get on
--from Arthur Battram, organisational learning consultant, Organisational Learning Group, Improvement and Development Agency for Local Government IDA for short, aka TOFKAL 'the organisation formerly known as LGMB'] , 76 Turnmill St, London EC1M 5QU, UK. phone: (0171) 296 6572 fax: (0171) 296 6666
Author of 'Navigating Complexity: the essential guide to complexity theory in business and management', now out of print until my publisher gets it together to put out the paperback, because it sold too well (!)
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