Language, Obfuscation LO21479

Leo Minnigh (
Tue, 4 May 1999 12:14:45 +0200 (MET DST)

Replying to LO21463 --

Dear Steve, dear LO'ers,

Steve wrote some very interesting words. If I may 'translate' them freely
in my words, it becomes a discussion of 'what is real, and what is

On Sun, 2 May 1999, Steve Eskow wrote:

> At says:
> >Before I make the jump from the material to the abstract world
> I ask At and all here to consider that the profound "obfuscation" occurs
> in this "jump," this leap from the material world to the world of thought.
> That "jump" is in itself the source of errors.
> That is: physical objects have "weight," but thoughts are not really
> "weighty."
> Thoughts, for example, are not really subject to the "laws" that help us
> make sense of our material surround.

> There it is: the fundamental error. Thoughts do not really have
> "temperature," except metaphorically. And there is no real evidence from
> the history of discourse and debate that "thoughts" self-organize or reach
> "equilibrium."
> This is a confusion of realms.

What I am going to say here, may make the confusion even larger, or it may
help Steve and others to narrow the gap between the 'real' world with the
world of imagination.

The whole world around us is a world of imagination. It is a translation
of the signals of our body-sensors into a picture in our mind. If we see a
house, this picture of the house is caused by the electromagnetic photons
from a source via our eyes into our brains. The brains create in the mind
a picture of the source. And the result is that we interpret this picture
as a house. So total brain and mind action. If we see a colour, it is
because most of the white sunlight is absorbed, and only a certain
frequency range is able to activate in the source radiation of the
electromagnetic photons.

We feel something and we interpret it as something real, maybe with some
weight. The sensors in our skin send their signals to the brain and the
brain will do the further work to create the translation in our mind. So
we THINK that we felt the bricks of the house. It all is interpretation.
Because most of us have the same translation and picture, we all agree
that it are the bricks of the house we felt and saw.

If we hear a sound, our ears feel the vibrations in the air. Our skin is
usually not sensitive enough to feel these vibrations, but some animals
do. This feeling of our ears is send as signals to our brain, and a
creation in our mind is formed. And thus we translate the vibrations as
music. That is what tells our mind. The ears are as a microphone, the just
register the various vibrations.

And tha entropy production is really involved in our brains, is registered
by temperature sensors. At has explained several times the close relation
between temperature, energy and entropy. With the use of these sensors, we
are able to 'see' where the brain activity is the highest, and which parts
of the brain are inactive. So brain activity and thoughts do have a
temperature. It is just because our own sensors in our brains are lacking
to hear the sound of thoughts, feel the temperature of thoughts, smell the
odor of thoughts, etc.

Reality is a strange thing. Think about it.

dr. Leo D. Minnigh
Library Technical University Delft
PO BOX 98, 2600 MG Delft, The Netherlands
Tel.: 31 15 2782226
Let your thoughts meander towards a sea of ideas.


Leo Minnigh <>

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