Category Theory LO21542 -was "Junk" Science

Nick Arnett (
Fri, 07 May 1999 17:04:41 -0700

Replying to LO21531 --

Could you recommend a good introduction to category theory, either a book
or a web site, perhaps both? The things you describe here seem to fit
quite a few patterns in the world today.

At 10:16 AM 5/7/99 +0200, AM de Lange wrote:

>This COMPLEX reaction is indeed also an acid-base reaction. The acid
>is the H in H2SO4 and the base is the O in KMnO4. Thus my long
>learning journey through the literature on logic began, trying to
>understand why the LEM failed! I asked my mathematical colleagues to
>help me, but that failed. I began to learn classical logic and all its
>variants. Then one day I stumbled on the collected works of Brouwer.
>My hair began to raise -- here was a person who felt the same as me.
>So I began to follow the creative course of time in intuitionistic
>logic. Then I came into contact with category theory. What appeared to
>be "abstract nonsense" to others, was a new viewpoint on the world of
>mathematics, one which made sense to me. Eventually I had to learn
>toposlogic. By then I was not surprised anymore -- toposlogic and
>chemical logic were very much the same thing!



Nick Arnett <>

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