The Tyranny of Experts LO21707
Sat, 22 May 1999 08:01:51 EDT

Replying to LO21698 --

In a message dated 99-05-21 22:15:26 EDT, writes:

> Why is it that the tyranny of experts is so close to the minds of the
> tyrants?

I think self-righteousness is often a defense against the experience of
powerlessness and is used to achieve interpersonal superiority, from a
true position of deeper inferiority. Tyranny feeds on dissatisfaction as
the goal of superiority is never achieved nor accepted by others. There
are two solutions to tyrannical behavior: self-respect and courage. But
I'm not an "expert" at this.

Warm regards, David

David L. Hanson, Ph.D.
Consulting Psychologist
GEMA-Lead 360


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