Learning Servers? LO21742

Martin Fry (Martin.Fry@citypro.com)
Wed, 26 May 1999 16:51:16 +0100

Replying to LO21724 --

Dear Lorgers...

Re LO21717, LO21710, LO21724... hmm...

My mail management system is not all it could be, so please excuse me if
I've overlooked any particular response (and not included quotes)...

For me, the concept of a learning server raises two 'issues' that I
haven't seen mentioned so far.

The first is, that it creates a localised star-type topology for
communication channels. Second, it provides a specialised learning centre
for an organisation. IMNSHO.

For me, this is the bureaucratic method for dealing with knowledge,
although it may not map directly on the hierarchy given the way this has
so far been described. It doesn't seem to reap the benefits of a LO which
includes fast and flexible communications through informal
cross-functional networks, with learning localised at the 'workface'.

Perhaps I am restricting the meaning of LO in too many ways, or in ways
that I prefer? Perhaps I've just swallowed too many of the 'wrong' type of
books... (Is there such a thing?)

I have seen a few attempts at instigating something called 'Knowledge
Management' in some organisations, is this seen to be part of the learning
organisation? It seems like more of a short-circuit, as I would suggest it
reduces the responsibility of the individual to communicate and learn.

Love the list... hope I'm adding to it.

Have fun


PS: I've noticed that this list has a similar feel to another list I *was*
with. The Jungian Type list INFP!! Is there a correlation between these
types and people who are on this list?


Martin Fry <Martin.Fry@citypro.com>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>