Learning Organizations and Hospitals LO21887

Swan, Steve R. SETA CONTR (SwanSR@ftknox-dtdd-emh5.army.mil)
Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:16:18 -0400

Replying to LO21877 --

The "definition" sound just like that one would expect of any effective
team, and might be found in texts, articles and discussions for the past
15-20 years (actually longer). What is an effective team (organization)
except a collaborative effort among members to create change (that is, do
what their purpose is).

This not raises again a question I have been asking myself quite often
lately....why exactly do so many of the discussions I see contain "old"
knowledge as if it were new?

Perhaps I missed something.

>I recently completed a Systems Thinking paper on "Creating a Company-Wide
>Commitment to Service Using Cross-functional Teams." In my research on
>service cultures, I came across an article on a Texas hospital whose work
>may be of interest to you. I do not have a copy of the article, but the
>following is an excerpt from my paper and reference information FYI.
>What does a Service Culture Look Like?
>In an article on "creating a service culture," Wesley Oswald describes a
>Texas hospital's transition to a service culture. "What is a service
>culture? In a nutshell, it is a coalition of employees, physicians, and
>volunteers working collaboratively to support change, as well as the
>programs, processes, policies and services customers identify as most
>important to them" (Oswald, p. 2). He goes on to describe the four
>components of a hospital service culture:
>"A well-defined vision and mission and a strong set of corporate values
>to drive behavior A commitment to continuous quality improvement The
>ability to embrace change A strong sense of teamwork with a focus on what
>is best for patients" (Oswald, p. 2).

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