JASS Journal - Call for Papers LO21928

Nikitas Assimakopoulos (assinik@unipi.gr)
Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:40:40 +0100

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Methodologies and Applications for Systems Approaches
[ JASS ]



Topics of interest to JASS include :

7 Applications of cybernetics using the viable system model
7 Applications of interactive planning methodology
7 Applications of soft systems methodology
7 Applied cybernetics in medicine
7 Applied living systems
7 Applied sociocybernetics
7 Cognitive patterns
7 Complex systems
7 Conceptual systemic models
7 Control systems
7 Critical systems thinking
7 Culture of peace
7 Decision support systems
7 Dynamical systems approaches
7 Electronic service systems (Internet, Intranet, Extranet, Deltanet)
7 Human-centered systems
7 Human-computer interaction
7 Intelligent systems engineering
7 Intelligent tutoring systems
7 Knowledge based systems
7 Law systems
7 Multimedia systems
7 Problem structuring approaches
7 Project management using systemic approaches
7 Religious systems
7 Semiotic approaches
7 Social systems design
7 Systemic metaphors
7 Systemic reengineering
7 Systems - metasystems and decisions - metadecisions
7 Systems and design education
7 Systems approaches for information systems
7 Systems thinking for total quality management
7 Total systems intervention
7 Virtual communities

There is no time limit for the submission of papers.


Nikitas Assimakopoulos <assinik@unipi.gr>

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