Hello Bruce,
I noted your answer to Lora and I was very intrigued. Thanks for the
Knowles and Cross Reference.
I have a question for you in regards to except given below. Do you think
that experiential learning spans the spectrum of learning styles?
I hope I am expressing myself clearly. Can we consider experiential
learning a common denominator to all adult learning, that is do we all learn
by doing?
Thanks for your time and response.
John P. Dentico, Ed. D.
Making the Leadership Experience Real
P.O. Box 6305
San Diego, CA 92166-0305
619-226-0547 Office
619-300-3080 Cell and Vm
619-523-3068 Fax
> But that doesn't answer your question. You are dealing with adults.
> Look
> up Knowles and Cross for adult learning traits. Adults in the job market
> want to do two things, 1) direct their education process and 2) learn
> those things specific for the job. This pattern is changing to a more
> open long term learning environment, but mainly it is for the job that
> most adults learn.
--"John P. Dentico" <jdentico@adnc.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>