(Scott Simmerman: While discussing around the square wheeled waggon in the
mud, did you ever get the response: "When we leave the mud, we have to
take care to have brakes on the waggon, luckily the wheels are square!"? I
found this quite extraordinary, but you have the experience.)
William also triggered an application of the motor/brake image:
> orchestration of change in group environments.
What about the following correspondence:
Change: Motor
Resistance to change (group environments): brake
Orchestration: Integration of motor and brake in such a way, that changes
do become effectively implemented improvements.
It leads to many questions:
What are differences between "integration" and "compromise"?
What does it mean to run the motor, while the brakes are applied?
What is needed in order to release the brake?
What about the difference about releasing the brake and removing the brake?
What is more valuable - the motor or the brake?
What does it mean to design the car? And what to drive it?
What is the role of "patience" in this picture?
Some may object that this metaphor is mechanical. I don't mind as long as
it is useful. Thinking about the above and other questions lead quite
naturally to the boundaries of the mechanical metaphor.
Liebe Gruesse,
Winfried Dressler
--"Winfried Dressler" <winfried.dressler@voith.de>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>