In a message dated 99-06-30 00:42:31 EDT, you write:
> Any ideas out there about a short list of typical "brakes" that prevent
> organizations from learning? How can they be removed?
I seriously question the idea that learning is ever prevented or not
happening. What one is learning can be different, but the idea that the
human system is some how not in a constant learning state is highly
questionable to me. That is wasn't in some learning state would mean that
the nervous system was on some lunch break.
I often make this point because I deal with behavioral changes a lot with
clients. That "simply" repeating an "old" behavior is the nervous system
learning to do that behavior more. That behavior both mental and physical
is dynamic and never stagnate. We are either expanding and becoming more
flexible or we are narrowing and more rigid. It all depends on the context
and goals as to whether that expanding or narrowing are favorable.
>From basic behavioral principles, an LO that is putting the "brakes on",
they are operating with those behaviors out of some goal acquisition that
makes sense in their models. For them it is a way of proceding forward.
What I prepose as an alternative to seeing it as putting the "brakes on"
to their model that makes sense to them is enter their model. Understand
their model. Then you can work with it. One might see the benifits they
get by having it and be able to communicate to them how by adjusting their
model they might benifit.
Just some thoughts on the matter,
Glen R Burns
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