Thinking about the inclusion of convergence, I think there are two
processes to be distinguished:
a) the scientific process consisting of observation, speculation,
falsification (how the wheels turn)
b) the creative course of time, consisting of a meandering of the
scientific process between divergence (chaos of becoming, high entropy
production) and convergence (new emergences growing to maturity) (how the
car moves).
Rick asked to include convergence as essential to the scientific process,
while At noted that convergence is not essential, because the scientific
process can also be divergent (I hope, I got that right). Ad hoc, I would
say, that the scientific process becomes divergent, when former
restrictions to thinking are being overcome or when new possibilities
become available.
In Ricks example of connecting the computer to the web from his hotel
room, the diversity immediatly grew, when he noticed, that he need not
connect his computer to this special plug. A variety of theories became
available, of which many would have passed the falsifying test - in this
case all the theories based on utilization of another plug.
I also think of the development of quantum mechanics as an example: After
leaving the boundaries of classical physics and applying the scientific
process, Schroedinger and Heisenberg arrived at seemingly totally
different theories (wave mechanics and matrix mechanics) - this was the
phase of divergence. It was the genius of Dirac who managed to converge
the different, newly born theories into the mature quantum mechanics. From
here, it is clear that wave and matrix mechanics are two different
"pictures" of the same thing. Even more, the whole possible diversity
became visible. It is possible now to create exactly that picture which
suits a given situation most.
What about the development of business environments which suits a given
situation most? What would happen, if we let go off any restrictions?
Divergent chaos (even if each piece would be created in a scientific
process)! Any convergence at the horizon? If we'd knew, it would be easier
to enter chaos.
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <>
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