Thank you for your long response in difficult circumstances.
Yes, learning is very circumstantial, and this is why I wonder at the
reliability of transferring leadership skills to very different
My understanding is that many areas of understanding have been compromised
by over-generalisation - because we have an idea in our mind (like
leadership) we believe we are dealing with similar things although they
are in very different situations.
I would be interested in the evidence for that transfer of skills.
At 01:51 29/06/99 EDT, you wrote:
>Anyway, I have a quick response to your question because it may be a day
>or two before I can give you a more thoughtful and elaborate one. Yes, I
>think those lessons can be transferred given all the constraints you cite
>BUT (upper case BUT!), the trick for me is just WHAT lesson was
>transferred. I am willing to bet that 9 times out of 10 (i.e., most of
>the time), what people "learn" from a situation is not what the teacher
>thought s/he was teaching. Outcomes are always modified by the learner's
>individual experiences -- what s/he brings to the situation will
>inevitably alter what s/he takes away. Kind of like that example where an
>accident occurs at an intersection in full view of 5 eyewitnesses and they
>all saw the same thing -- but didn't see the same thing, if you know what
>I mean. That's why it's so important to share learning experiences, I
>think, and especially the leadership kind because as far as I know, there
>isn't any manual that covers every situation. It's a question of context
>and then choices and everyone will define the context a little differently
>and construct their choices a little differently. There's a lot more to
>say but I'm not capable of it at this moment. Anyway, I have some
>references on outdoor experiences and their value in leadership
>development and would be happy to share if you are interested. To me,
>leadership issues and the concepts of a learning organization are
>inextricably linked. I'd like to keep talking about this if it is of
>interest to the other members of the listserve. Thanks for writing.
Gray Southon
Senior Lecturer in Knowledge Management
Department of Information Studies
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Ph 02 9514 2724, mobile 0414 295 328
Fax 02 9514 2723
email Gray.Southon@uts.edu.au, web page http://www.ozemail.com.au/~gsouthon/
Knowledge Management Web Page:
--Gray Southon <Gray.Southon@uts.EDU.AU>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>