I have been involved in the training and development world of large
corporations for some 18 years. (Although I had originally received my
teachers degree with my BA, I chose not to pursue a teaching career
because I could not see at that time how I could implement what I believed
to be sound instructional practices within the then-current
administrations of American high schools. After a detour through the
entertainment world and the non-profit realm, I finally discovered that
there were such things as training departments within large organizations
and I have wanted no other profession since that time.)
I am passionate about learning and about making learning effective. I
have also been quite disheartened at times at the level of thinking and
discourse within the management ranks, particularly around the issue of
training. I have, therefore, enjoyed the wide and deep level of
communication here.
I am very appreciative of the existence of such a vehicle for sharing
ideas, thoughts, and suggestions, not mention the many references to
articles and books.
Rebecca S. Bell
DCAC / MRM Training
425/965-6799 (voice)
425/965-6388 (fax)
[Host's Note: Thanks for the introduction, Rebecca. We are very glad to
have you with us! ..Rick]
--"Bell, Rebecca S" <Rebecca.Bell@PSS.Boeing.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>