Chief Learning Officers LO22156

Caroline Simard (
Thu, 08 Jul 1999 09:56:17 -0700

Replying to LO22111 --


I have never heard of the CLO but I have heard of the CKO (Chief Knowledge
Officer). I don't know how different the two are. For a full description
of that senior management position and the skills needed see an article by
Michael J. Earl and Ian A. Scott, What is a chief knowledge officer?
Sloan Management Review, Winter 1999, pp. 29-38. They have studied 20
companies with this position. They do not offer a list of these companies
but you could contact them.

Caroline wrote:

> We occasionally hear of corporations that have a Chief Learning Officer,
> usually on a level with COO and CFO, etc. positions. The overall purpose
> of the position, one supposes, is to help the organization become more of
> a Learning Organization. I have a request. Does any participant here
> know of one or more corporations (or public sector organizations) that
> have created such a position? Or even better, a list of such
> organizations? I would be most grateful to hear from anyone with such
> knowledge. Thank you. Mike Brower


Caroline Simard <>

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