MCS Opportunities for Canadian Education LO22223
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 10:47:49 -0400

Dear List Moderator,

The latest issue of Networking includes a feature article that may be of
interest to your readers. We ask that you forward this to your list if you
find it appropriate.


Industry Canada is extending a rare opportunity to Canadian educational
institutions and learning organizations by requiring all licence
applicants for Multipoint Communications Systems in the 2500 MHz band to
demonstrate a commitment to supporting learning in their licence
applications. This could mean high-speed Internet access and
high-bandwidth multimedia capabilities at very little cost to educational

For more information, please see the feature article in the latest issue of

NETWORKING is brought to you by the NODE Learning Technologies Network
<>, a not-for-profit
electronic network facilitating information and resource-sharing,
collaboration and research in the field of learning technologies
for post-secondary education.


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