At 01:09 PM 17/07/99 -0400, you wrote:
>[Host's Note: And... Let's make sure to keep this on a learningful tone.
>Jason, I assume you're thinking the contrary. Please say more. And, Steve,
>please expand your's. Let's start from the assumption that all of us have
>experience with leadership whether in doing it or on the receiving end.
Okay, Rick, thanks for the guidance. My apologies for unpleasant mental
feelings created. Sometimes dry Canadian humour doesn't translate well
into text.
[Host's Note: No problem, Jason. Glad to have you with us. ...Rick]
I like to use a thinking construct for unpacking complex terms like
"leadership." Rather than getting into a definition, I like to think
about what some IS, IS NOT and COULD BE IF. Here are some of my plugs
into that construct.
Leadership IS
- inspiring others
- encouragement
- the ability to make difficult decisions
- the ability to act on levers in the interest of a whole organization
- based on trust
- requires congruity with espoused values for authenticity
- often results in people following
- often creates great things as a result of its exercise
Leadership IS NOT
- dominance and force applied to get people to do what is desired
- unnecessary use of power
- a synomym for management
- just the domain of the most senior people in an organization
Leadership COULD BE IF
- the domain of the whole organization if a number of things were addressed
>>>punishment for failure
>>>skill in the identification of leverage
>>>the creation of authentic empowerment
>>>ending a culture of blame and needless debate
I welcome other contributions in this construct.
Jason Smith
Agility Architect
"growing your profits. faster. sustainably."
--Jason Smith <>
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