Public Sector Leadership LO22293

Winfried Dressler (
Tue, 20 Jul 1999 17:00:27 +0100

Replying to LO22274 --

At my wall in the office, I have a copy of a dialogue with Confuzius (my
translation, may be one of you know an english source):


In the case one entrusts you with the government, what would you do first?
(Angenommen, man w|rde Euch mit der Regierung betrauen, was taetet Ihr

Absolutely put the terms right!
(Unbedingt die Begriffe richtigstellen!)

Then you are far from the issue. Why should one put them right? (Da seid
Ihr aber weit von der Sache. Warum sollte man sie denn richtigstellen?)

Are the names not correct, then the language does not fit.
Does the language not fit, then actions will not be completed.
Are actions not completed, then the rites do not thrive.
If the rites do not thrive, then the punishments go astray.
If the punishments go astray, then the people do not know where to put
hands and feet.

Therefore, the noble give names such that language becomes possible and
uses language such that action becomes possible.

(Sind die Namen nicht richtig, dann ist die Sprache nicht passend.
Ist die Sprache nicht passend, dann werden die Handlungen nicht vollendet.
Sind die Handlungen nicht vollendet, dann gedeihen die Riten nicht.
Gedeihen die Riten nicht, dann gehen die Strafen fehl.
Gehen die Strafen fehl, dann weiss das Volk nicht wohin es Hand und Fuss
setzen soll.

Deshalb gibt der Edle die Namen so. da_ die Sprache moeglich wird und
verwendet die Sprache so, da_ die Handlung moeglich wird.)


It supports the idea, that giving meaning to terms is a creative act,
leading to manifestations in the real world.

The only power which the German President (Johannes Rau since short, Roman
Herzog and Richard von Weizsaecker before) has is the power to raise his
voice, the power of words. With this he is able to set priorities and
outline directions. His responsibility is to articulate what needs to be

In terms of John Warfield as cited by Ray Harrell, a public leader needs
to be

> 1. possession of the cultural inheritance.

and needs to be qualified to

> 2. ...participate in the contemporary world.
> 3. ...contribute to the civilization of the future.

Therefore he needs to have been a creative learner for many years.

Liebe Gruesse,



"Winfried Dressler" <>

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