Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition LO22336 -Conf

Mon, 26 Jul 1999 13:11:49 -0400


I would like to take this opportunity to inform group participants of the
upcoming Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition conference, PLAR 99,
which will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, between November 14 and

The theme of the conference is "PLAR as a Tool for Transition". Transition
conveys a sense of lifelong change, and at the same time supports the
notion that learning is continuous and connected to virtually all aspects
of our lives. This conference is about transition in society generally,
and change that supports adult learners who move in and out of provinces,
countries, the labour market and education and training.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) in relationship to
transition, reinforces the importance and value of all learning,
irrespective of where that learning was acquired. PLAR opens up the doors
of the college and university for adults in transition, reinforces
employers and unions who recognize the importance of a learning culture,
and validates persons who change roles and responsibilities within the
community, at work, and in the family.

If you are interested in learning more about PLAR 99, please visit the
PLAR site at the following address, or call 1.800.528.8043.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition



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