>snip for space
>In short, I was disturbed by the vendor's lack of acknowledgement,
>especially when the concept and activity seem to be directly borrowed from
>anothers work--and results in a commercial product Am I overreacting?
>What do you think???
Your concerns appear to be well founded. Continue your inquiry and ask for
an accounting of where their ideas came from. Unlikely though it make be,
could be that Ross and Kleiner (Left-Hand Column, pg 246) lifted it from
them! Offer them a copy of the book and wait for a response.
I draw a distinction between relying upon the ideas of others and
appropriating them. A simple disclaimer such as , Ross and Kleiner
developed the concept of the Left Hand Column and we have used that the
develop the following game/exercise/training concept/etc. would seem to
resolve any ownership and authorship questions.
Personal opinion, if they acknowledge that they got a bit too cozy to Ross
and Kleiner's ideas, agree to purchase their product when it has been
editied to give credit where credit is due.
Bill Braun
The Health Systems Group
- Physician Leadership Training
- Simulation Modeling for Healthcare
--Bill Braun <medprac@hlthsys.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>