Regarding the long post from Stanton
Wow and appreciation for the sincere care and time you put in Stanton.
How about (only if you choose) do this.
Catch one of the essences of what I feel is in Stantons heart:
*************Fullness Enjoyed Joy Growth Delight ****************
Stanton wrote:
"When I look at the pictures of my children, I see a progression of their
lives developing into fullness. I fully enjoyed my children at each stage
of their growth, and yet I realize as I look back, that at least part of
the joy came from knowing that there was "a fullness of growth" yet to
come (what I mean is this, if I did not believe that my child was going to
grow and develop, there would have been a sadness as I watched him crawl;
there would not have been delight if I knew that when he turned 20 years
old he would still be crawling). Maybe you can see how this works. If I
assume that the snapshot I see of a person (a particular post that is read
at a particular time) IS that person then I might be tempted to address
that person as "You CRAWLER": CRAWLERS have no place on this list; or at
the very least, if you CRAWLERS want to participate you *must* WALK (which
of course excludes them)." [BIG SNIP]
Please understand, from my perspective, we are all crawlers in the
"playing field" of Emotional Management - I actually believe that it is
the next level for us all.
Our clinical and organizational research provides accessible and
compelling arguments for considering the need in both the community and
the corporate world to better manage the emotional component of our
day-to-day lives. (How is it "really" at the family BBQ or Thanksgiving
A lot of us are steeped in emotional havoc.
Individual incoherence will not only limit the individual, but any
organization of which that individual is a part, be it on their job or in
their community or at home or on this list.
We can see evidence of this in nearly any aspect of society that we choose
to inspect. Look at the Littleton massacre, sports teams drawn down by
unruly individuals who effect/infect the whole team, businesses where
really well-meaning people are just not at their best because of the
pervasive negative climate, etc.
Families and friends are not staying together.
And worse, not having as much fun as they could.
Technological innovations, economic upheavals in Asia, all trickle down
into everyone's daily lives - e-mail, v-mail, cell-phones, internet, how
you trade/manage your portfolio, who to believe in, who to trust?
We're presented with so many questions and such pressure to keep up that
many are blindly running forward, without a good sense of the direction in
which they're going.
I want to make sure that the direction people are heading in is one
associated with our individual and our society's deepest and most dearly
held values.
Who could be the closest to these values. It's our job to help frame the
understandings. And, with the tools we have, show them that they indeed
are closer than they think.
*Compassion for us all, I think, is in order.
*No judgments.
*Having fun.
*Gently dancing with each other, even with our personal agendas
(hopefully of service to all).
Stanton posed these questions:
What am I trying to do with this disagreement?
My Perpective: Maybe just to connect.
What am I trying to do with this disagreement toward you (Robert Bacal)?
My Perpective: Maybe just to connect.
What am I trying to do with this disagreement toward the list?
My Perpective: Get folks to care more for each other.
What am I trying to do with this disagreement toward my own thinking?
My Perpective: Go deeper. Be vulnerable. Be caring. Be clearer about
what counts.
What do you think?
My Perpective: What I feel and think is that we really need tools to help us
be more caring in the moments of our day to day whether we're writing to this
list or communicating with others and most importantly when we communicate
with ourselves.
Let's all cut ourselves some slack.
Hey, Robert Bacal has a lot of energy, let's appreciate that about him.
Guess what, wait till you hang out with me. I have a passion to help and
care for people that won't stop.
Is it useful to speak of these issues placed into this framework?
My Perpective: Rock and Roll
Take care,
"It is the level of sincerity from the heart that will
determine the speed of actualizing anything that is exceptional"
Dan Bishop HeartMath, LLC
Senior Consultant 14700 West Park Avenue
Organizational Programs Division Boulder Creek, California 95006 831-338-8721 fax 831-338-8703
Our Vision: Activating excellence and transformation
through heart-directed intelligence.
HeartMath is a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath.
--Dan Bishop <>
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