Dear OL Colleagues,
I read Kathy's comments with great interest, having just gone
through the (required) ethics seminar at NSF for program officers. NSF is
mighty sensitive, as you can imagine, to be sure that we POs don't give
the appearance of soliciting favors or special treatment, etc. After all,
the appearance might lead some to think that since "the government giveth,
so perhaps the government taketh away, too." In that light, I appreciate
Kathy's sensitivity: what she has described seems to me like breech of
copyright; I believe all the workshop materials are copyrighted. I'm no
lawyer, but I believe that using others' materials without attribution,
particularly in a product for profit, is both unfair and illegal. Taking
what belongs to another is wrong, just like we all learned in
kindergarten. It's the same when wrapped in copyright . . .
--"Jelinek, Mariann" <>
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