My name is Bob Salitore and I am a Senior OD/HR Practitioner at a large
multi-specialty Medical Clinic in Northwest Indiana (just outside of
Chicago). I also hold a Senior Faculty position in Organization Behavior
and Leadership at Keller Graduate School of Management. I have nearly 25
years of practice in Organizational Change, Quality Management and
Organizational Learning. I have been an observer for many month and have
recently been challenged by an assignment that causes me to leap into the
I am seeking members' guidance on any research done on Physician Group
Dynamics as they relate to the effects on Drs. deciding to stay or leave a
group practice. The practice is further defined as participating Drs.
holding owner status as "Partners." My questions relate to whether or not
there are any instruments that are aimed toward Physicians? Are any
organizations utilizing Physician Exit Interviewing? Is there causal
research on different physician attitudes (as measured) that is predictive
of intent to stay or leave?
In summary, is anyone working with Physicians in an OD setting? If so,
what strategies, pitfall and opportunities exist? I would welcome both
general and specific replies here or directly. I look forward to hearing
from many of you and its great to be a part of this group.
[Host's Note: discussion of org learning work in healthcare would be just
fine here on the LO list. ...Rick]
--Bob Salitore <>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>