Entropy LO22403 -was: Free energy and work

Pixie Delite (pixie_delite@hotmail.com)
Tue, 03 Aug 1999 16:29:16 PDT

Replying to LO22387 --

from my limited knowledge bank..firstly...the equation is useless without
context of the system as a whole. thus the possibility of T changing
without the rest regulating to keep overall a constant is not a done

s is a dependent....upon the other components of the equation as much as
the rest are upon each other...systems, networks everything in the
universe is based on this web structure.

but..if let us say this does happen, then yes even if the entropy of an
embedded system decreases...that of the unvierse can be acitn antoher
wya..because the universe i made up of more than one of thseese S
values....its like when u sleep with like 10 people in a king size bed..if
one person turns..everyone adjusts accordingly to keep everyone on the bed
at the end of it all!!!!

anyhow. ther is more to a physics equation than numbers...one must see
that philosophy and science arent apart..but an equation is but an
instantaneous freeze up shot of what the contunuum is about..liek a
photograph if u like. thus the equation shows only what is seen at a given
time...thus one shud not forge to put it back as part of the whole just as
it is...because that wud be like trying to put a photo into ur life..and
think it doesnt make sense! it wudnt! the plane of philosophy and
interpretation is different in both!

sorry if i said too much..but...i am but a student young and naive
yet..but have done a lot of physics..and am a systems person so added this
comment. hope no one minds!


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