Intro -- Luis Peralta Chirinos LO22412

Luis Peralta Chirinos (
Thu, 05 Aug 1999 10:20:54 -0500

I started reading about learning organizations concepts in "The Fifth
Discipline : The Art and Practices ..." by Peter Senge. It was the first
time I found written what I knew by intuition about management subjects
but with too much value and formidable way, of course. Since that moment,
encouraged by this play I started to apply the "disciplines" to everything
as possible and I had succeed in some.

I have subscribed to the learning-org list with great expectation to learn
and share about all of you.

I am Economist and work in the Judiciary to build an equal society in the
justice subject. I work in the Planning and Budget Department.

I am having an hypothesis " In my country, many organizations need for a
time an strict control to function " It is a pity for me, but I ask How
long it must be ?

[Host's Note: Welcome, Luis! ...Rick]


"Luis Peralta Chirinos" <>

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