>(1) Who out there has a unique and effective employee performance
>appraisal system that instills learning and creativity as well as meets
>legal and salary/merit (HR) requirements? We are weaving learning and
>creativity through the cultural fabric here, so stuffy performance systems
>will not go over well. (Average employee age 35-40, very bright, driven,
>and no tolerance for traditions embedded within "Corporate America").
>(2) Is it possible, and/or prudent, to blend employee development and
>employee performance into a singular process?
Thought #1: Servant leadership and stewardship are closely linked (as I
see it) with the Learning Organization. In simple terms, leaders bear the
burden of guiding, showing the way, supporting, nurturing, acquiring and
allocating resources, etc. The flow of "service" seems to be from the
people who lead through to the people who follow through to the people who
reward their efforts by purchasing their goods or services.
Thought #2: Think of an organization as three, nested concentric circles.
The inner circle is the Administrative Core, where strategy, resource
acquisition and executive management take place. The outer circle is the
Work Flow Arena, where the organization and its customers have direct
contact and where service is produced and goods exchanged. The middle
circle is the Linking Zone, where raw resources are transformed into
functions and activities that support the people in the Work Flow Arena.
(from Mills, Managing Service Industries, Ballinger, 1986)
Thought #3: PM, MM, TL, SV and ST, when fully realized in an organization,
align everyone along the service chain (Core to Linking Zone to Work FLow
ARena to Customer).
Thought #4: How many organizations call their customers in on some
periodic basis and comprehensively appraise their individual and
organizational performance (we think you're doing a great job as CEO, keep
up the good work)?
Thought #5: If an organization doesn't do this for the people/organization
at the end of the service chain, why should it be done for anyone else,
anywhere else on the service chain?
Bill Braun
The Health Systems Group
- Physician Leadership Training
- Simulation Modeling for Healthcare
--Bill Braun <medprac@hlthsys.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>