At 05:50 -0400 15/08/1999, wrote:
>"Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure
>harmony and music inside me. -And my mind is driven towards these things
>with an irresistible momentum."
>Vincent van Gogh
>Letter 218
>21 July 1882
>About two months ago I was meandering in the University Parks trying to
>negotiate my way through to the old part of the City. It is a most
>beautiful way Etc
Thanks for that fine piece of writing.
The inner and outer itinerary you described was a walk through a city.
My work is concerned with cities. I feel it's very important we should
make our cities as conducive as possible to the kind of experiences
described in that posting.
Sometimes I feel no-one cares about it.
Thomas Muirhead Architects
27 Conway Street, London W1P 5HL
Telephone & fax (0171) 388 0582
International consultancy services for the UK-Italy construction sector,
working with firms commencing or expanding their international activity.
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--Thomas Muirhead <>
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