Org Learning Web Sites? LO22472

Gijs Houtzagers (
Sun, 22 Aug 1999 10:14:52 +0200

Replying to LO22434 --

Hi all,

I would like to inform you that my web site is operational. It contains
some (free) white papers on HRM, HRIS and HR instruments and some usefull
links to other intersting web sites

Kind regards,

Gijs Houtzagers
Principal business consultant HRMIS and employee benefit systems
Ward Cambell International
Steenovenweg 3
5708 HN Helmond
The Netherlands
Tel. 31 492 523 000
Fax 31 492 598 299

Check for white papers on HRM, HRIS and HR instruments and usefull links to other HR sites


Gijs Houtzagers <>

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