Re: Visionaries and Early Adaptors LO22492

Thu, 26 Aug 1999 10:47:51 +530

Replying to LO22486

Dear GREG and others following this discussion on vision adoption:

> > (i) From circumstances [Sometimes, visions seem to arise from one's
> > (biological, psychological, natural, or social) circumstances. For
> > example, the vision of some human beings to create a flying machine.]

> Greg Troxell wrote:

> DP - You are right about the means through which visions emerge. I
> was searching for direction/counsel for when situation # 1 occurs.
> And to phrase it a bit differently:
> How might this person help others, especially the late adapters, process,
> accept, embrace, endorse or buy into the vision (as is or adjusted/some
> collaborative adaptation)?

The reason I was focusing on how visions appear to emerge is that, we can
see, visions appear to emerge almost anywhere. This suggests that there is
always an apparent process of vision- expression, vision-negotiation,
vision-revision, etc., going on among mutiple 'visionaries' and multiple
'potential visionaries'.

In this light, I wish to give a slightly different twist to the
discussion. Often the term 'vision' seems to be used as an explanatory
hypothesis. For example: Why did such and such martyr embrace death
without becoming bitter or disgraceful? He possibly had a 'vision'. Why is
such and such person spending all his life's savings on educating street
children? He possibly has a vision. Etc. In fact the terms vision,
commitment, responsibility, belief, value, etc., are all used in this
explanatory hypothetical way. The reason why this hypothetical entity
sometimes appears so real is that our languages often allow terms like
'vision', 'dream', 'belief', etc., and also sentences that appear to stand
for visions, dreams, and beliefs, etc. For example, 'It is the vision of
the Congress party to build a stable government at the centre.' If you go
inside the Congress party with the critical eyes of an inquirer, you might
never find anything that resembles this 'vision'!

Therefore, when we are speaking of vision-expression, negotiation,
adoption, etc., we are mostly speaking of linguistic interactions among
some language-users, who seem to be engaged in 'languaging', i.e., using
language in a special way so as to bring forth special conditions, e.g.,
an illusion of reality, introduction of constraints, impression of
progress, achievement of some uniue results, etc.

Therefore, GREG, the topic you are broaching is really 'languaging'. This
topic is currently discussed in several domains, e.g., organisational
cybernetcis, philosophy of language, artificial intelligence, etc.

Some search results on 'languaging':

Here are 1-10 out of a total of 59 results for: languaging

Languaging: Ninth Annual Conference on Linguistics and Literature

Languaging: The process of "languaging," as Maturana calls it,
takes place when there is a coordination of coordinations of
behavior. Language is the house of being.

languaging 99 (Infoseek) Languaging 99: A Conference Across
Linguistics, Literature, and Writing

Complexity Science and Corporate Languaging (Altavista) The New
England Complex Systems Institute. Emergence: A Journal of
Complexity Issues in Organizations and Management.

Meta Model : Languaging-The Psycho-linguistics of Psychotherapy
(Alltheweb) LEARN USA Meta Model : Languaging-The Psycho-
linguistics of Psychotherapy Languaging: The Psycho-linguistics of
Psychotherapy. (1996).

Learning-Org April 1995: Re: Complexity, Languaging & Design
LO926 (Excite) JOHN N. Replying to LO893 -- Doug thinks my
definition of complexity was a little too complex. He offers an
amendment that requires high connectivity, as illustrated by an
underlying graphic form.

LINGUIST List 9.1425: History of Linguistics, Languaging 99
(Infoseek) Editor for this issue: Brett Churchill
«» Please do not use abbreviations or
acronyms for your conference unless you explain them in your text.



Prof. D. P. Dash
Xavier Institute of Management
Bhubaneswar 751013

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